Tuesday, August 29, 2006


That's it. Rain. Not a lot of wind. Not much of anything. Well, it did give me the chance to find the bad bolt in my wall that held my shutters in place. Adios Ernesto!

Just goes to show you... there is no point to worry about anything. It never fails though. I do it. I try my hardest not to, but I sometimes actually buy into the lie that my worrying can change the outcome of things. Am I the only one like that?

Well, back to sermon prep. Someone asked me my favorite part of speaking on weekends. The answer is simple. The preparation. Sure, I love delivering the message...but there is nothing like being led by the Holy Spirit for 4 days in my studying. I learn so much. Here's praying that God will use me this weekend to make a difference. That's why I'm here.

Here's a thought to keep you busy through the storm... Can you cry underwater?