Sunday, September 03, 2006

What a weekend...

WOW! What a great weekend at Flamingo Road Church. I must say that I get the chance to serve with the greatest team that I've ever been a part of. I got to watch Jorge lead worship with the excellence worthy of his calling... I watched the backstage team lead with the intensity of Easter weekend. The band and tech teams are consistently unbelievable. You know, it really is amazing what happens in that building.

I got the chance to stroll through the lobby a little bit as well. The greatest thing that I noticed was that I didn't really know anybody. Sure, there were a few familiar faces...but generally I got to meet a lot of new folks. That's one of my favorite things to do.

Troy and some other members of the team headed to Hialeah to help out down there. Haven't heard anything yet, but I am sure that God used them in a big way.

Thanks to all that attend, serve, and call Flamingo Road Church home. You are all prayed for and valued. See you this Wednesday night at 1st Wednesday. I know I say it a lot, but you really don't want to miss it.

Time to get some sleep,