Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Zip a Dee Doo Dah

Well, faithful reader, tomorrow is almost here....a day closer to our trip to the Magic Kingdom. The weather should be nice (an early cool front?) and crowds should be moderate/low. We are really looking forward to reconnecting as a family. The photo shown here was taken at Epcot. Kinda goofy, I know, but that's the point

You need to have a place where you can go and be yourself. You need to find a place to unfocus a little. Especially if you are like me. My mind doesn't shut off. I am constantly analyzing and thinking about things.

I've always been that way. My mind has always been active. In fact, my very first birthday card was addressed to "Brain Vasil"

Foreshadowing or just bad spelling? I'll never know. But it does give me something to think about.