Friday, November 10, 2006


I've finally calmed down enough to write this post. There are times in my walk with Christ that I wish I could just disconnect for 5 minutes...tell somebody off...and then regain my witness with others. That isn't the case. I work hard to maintain my composure and my positive representation of Christ to others...but sometimes it's very difficult.

The other night I was requesting a duplicate receipt from a popular computer store. The clerk at the counter had no idea what she was doing. I quickly realized that she was I figured she would require a little extra time to complete this task. Boy was I off. First, she started to hear me describe what I needed and then turned to take the next customer in line. Not sure why. Then, when she finally did get to me, she was clueless. She finally uncovered the information that I needed in the computer. It was then that the fun truly began. She called back to the back of the store for another person to come to the register. I didn't understand why, but figured she had a reason. When the other girl made it to the front, she was greeted with "I just wanted to show you that I did it!" She called this other employee to the front just to get a pat on the back. Alright. So far, a little frustrating, but manageable. Then she can't figure out how to print the receipt. She sends it to the printer, but nothing happens. We sit there waiting 10 minutes or so for this thing to print. Finally she calls back to the same girl that came from the back of the store a few minutes ago.

That employee starts to give instructions from across the counter. Rather than go behind the counter and help her...she just tells her what to do and berates her as she gets it wrong. Finally employee #2 decides to come by and show her how to print. She then leaves and tells my employee that she "isn't going to get the printout for her" and just leaves.

The employee helping me has no idea which printer employee #2 has sent it to. I wait another 10 minutes for the search.

Then, before she goes to the final printer, she takes the next customer in line for a return. That goes another 10 minutes. Meanwhile, I am looking around to see if anybody from the church is there. I'm about to lose my witness.

I don't. I get my receipt and leave the store. It didn't ruin my just made me feel devalued. Those that know me there are two things that I cannot stand...Feeling devalued and being talked to like I am stupid. These things kinda intertwine, but you know what I mean.

Sometimes life is hard. Sometimes you just want to scream at somebody. My time is just as valuable as hers.

It was only today as I did my quiet time that I realized that I had failed the test. Life is easy when everyone cooperates with me. It is the times that my patience is tried that I realize how far from Christ's perfect example I am. You know...even Pastor's get angry. I didn't do well this time...I'm sure there will be more opportunities to learn from.

What's down in the well, comes up in the bucket.... Time to resurface the well...