Monday, November 20, 2006

Harvest Ball

Last Saturday night was wonderful. I really can't put it into words.

I watched her as she put on her special dress and shoes...curled her hair...brushed her teeth...excited to spend the evening with her daddy.

I did the same. I pressed my suit and put on some special cologne (she says "Smells like daddy")...I couldn't wait.

Then it started. We walked hand in hand to the front door and I just looked at her. I couldn't believe that 7 years were already gone. I try not to think about it much, but I know that the next several years are going to be a blur. The same little girl I used to strap into a car seat was now walking through the car door that I held open for her.

The dinner was great. I was holding it together until the inevitable occurred. They cleared the dance floor and dads were given a heart locket to give to their daughters. We then danced to Tim McGraw's daddy/daughter song. I bit my lip. I tried to stare at the floor. Nothing could hold back my emotions. I wasn't crying out of sadness. I was crying because everything that is important to me in this world was holding my hand and trying to match my dance steps with her feet. I was so proud of her.

The song finished and I put the locket around her neck. I don't know how much she will remember about that night. But I will never forget it. Her smiling face looking into mine wondering why daddy's eyes are so red. She hugged me and I squeezed her tight. If I could just never let would be too soon.

There aren't many times that I can remember that I have been speechless. The time I watched my wife walk down the aisle to meet me up front at our daughter's birth...and Saturday night...

The night finished and we went home. Brianna's feet were hurting from all the dancing (new shoes). We got home and I unlocked her door. She opened her car door and kinda looked at me. Differently. I asked her what was wrong and she just held her arms out. She wanted me to carry her into the house. Just like we used to.

I have said every year of her life that I wish I could freeze time and just keep her like she is. But each year gets better and better. My daughter is a gift from God and I never want her to hold those arms out and not have me there to carry her. Even if I get too old to carry her into the house...I will always carry her in my heart.



Melissa in Mel's World said...

Oh my goodness...what a tear jerker. It is so awesome to see that daddy's really take it seriously when it comes to their "babies". Thanks for sharing your special night with us all.