Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Madness has Begun

Hello, faithful reader. I just got word that the first campers have started their 3 day stay outside the Pembroke Pines Best Buy. Why you might ask? Of course it is for the launch of the Playstation 3 on Friday. This begs the question...why? Why would somebody sit in a lawn chair and wait for a video gaming machine. I'd like to take a few guesses...

1) They want to retire from their profits on Ebay
2) They want to buy their child the gift that will be the "must have" of the season
3) They don't have a job and need something to do
4) They want to be the first on their block to play cutting edge video games.
5) They have 600 bucks burning a hole in their pocket

Not sure if any of these are right. While I can appreciate technology and all of the fun that comes in opening a new box of fun, I can't imagine 72 hours for the CHANCE of owning one of these Japanese bad boys. Best Buy will not tell them how many they have. There is a possibility that people can sleep on the concrete for a few days and leave empty handed on Friday.

If you are a gamer...these are exciting times. If you aren't...kindly step over the guy in the "Darth Vader was Framed" T-shirt on your way into Best Buy. He's only trying to make a couple of bucks from those less willing to sacrifice sleep.

Camp on, brothers!