Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Grossest Thing I Have Ever Seen

Good evening faithful reader...

I just had to jump back into the randomness with a real humdinger. I think I have found the nastiest packaged food ever to emerge from the opposable thumbs of mankind. I was in a Bealls outlet (is that BEELS or BELLS?)....and I was up front by the register. This is where they always store the tastiest foods so I thought I'd have a look. Old candy, rotten cashews in a beat-up bag, and out of date Valentine's treats awaited some poor sap.

It was then that I discovered it

The single nastiest packaged food ever.

What you see in the photo above is this: A marshmallow "hamburger' that has vanilla flavored buns, a chocolate marshmallow flavored "beef patty" and banana marshmallow flavored cheese. The texture looks as though somebody poured tan caulk into a loaf pan and cooked it over a can of sterno into a bun shape. As you can see...anybody with 1.69 can own one of these culinary mishaps.

Who thinks of this stuff? Who takes a picture of it for his blog? Oh yeah. me.

I didn't buy one. I just couldn't bring myself to sponsoring my own nausea. Being honest, I was tempted. I mean look at the box...that burger at the bottom was just looking up at me with those pathetic drawn-on eyes and beckoning me to part with 2 cool George Washingtons. Isn't he cute? Or is he just a rejected happy meal toy? I'll never know.

So, I left the Bealls outlet that day with my money and colon intact. I can only wonder what the eating experience would have been like? What would banana cheese taste like swirling around in my mouth? Fat free nirvana. Indeed.

Back to the randomness...



Anonymous said...

That was AWESOME you totally had me laughing aloud. It's good to see your sense of humor back. Your family is still in my prayers and I guess I won't get you any marshmallow hamburgers as an encouragement gift. Seriously don't know what is worse the guy who had this brilliant idea or the company that ran with and mass produced it. Can you picture that creative meeting !?! :)