Saturday, April 21, 2007

Only Read If You Are Feeling Nerdy

Greetings faithful reader...

this is your last chance to shut down this post and read something a bit more pedestrian....

Really...I'm serious...this is nerdy and geeky....turn back now...

Still with me....good! May the force be with you. Live long and prosper and always follow the prime directive. I grok Anakin S.

Anyway, I just learned this week that Apple set up 3/4 of a Petabyte of storage at NAB this year. That is 750 Terabytes to the rest of us. They also had 3 miles of fiber optic cable, 4 M2 Gb networks, 90 Xserves and 40 Xserve RAIDs.

This kinda stuff makes me giddy.

Just had to share this with my geek brothers and sisters.

Oh, almost forgot...a new Apple Store opened this morning at the Galeria Mall in Ft. Lauderdale. I didn't make it to the opening (was working on the AppleTV podcast...) but my partner in video, Mauricio did. He's got the free T-Shirt to prove it.

To Infinity and Beyond,