Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Cleaning out the corners of my brain

Just a few random thoughts tonight, faithful readers...

1) You've GOT to check out Troygramling.com - We posted Troy's slip on the stairs...with his permission of course. Honestly, I really thought he was going down the hard way. I told him my first thought was "I hope he's alright!" My second thought as I looked around and saw no other pastors around..."How well do I know this sermon...I may have to finish for him..." Luckily I didn't have to. Not only did he cover well, he managed to keep the cake upright! Kudos to you, brother!

2) I am going to start my first regular feature on the blog starting this Friday. I'm calling it "Friday's finds." It's my day off and I usually find something weird worth blogging about. This Friday will kick off with something that might be even more weird than the marshmallow hamburger.

3) Mauricio graduated from college today! Congrats to you, Mo. You have worked so hard and really deserve to be proud of your accomplishments!

4) Mindy is doing a little better. She came home from work today sick again, though. Pray for us.

5) I hate celery.

That's about it for tonight. I must now close the vault and return my seat back to its upright position for my return to rational thought.

Thanks to all that curl up here daily for a cup of randomness.

Here's to a great big beautiful tomorrow....