Monday, May 28, 2007


Good morning faithful readers...

It's been awhile, but you knew I'd be back to brighten your week with a bit of randomness...

Things have been crazy on the media side as of late and I'm happy to report that I have begun work on show #119, all 3 podcasts, and our lightsource feed this morning. If you haven't been watching the show (and shame on you...) we are airing Pastor Troy's sermon on "Screwing Up My Relationship With God" sermon this weekend. Why don't you invite some of your friends to watch? Not for the ratings...but because the message is a powerful one. I can guarantee that if people watch it with an open heart, God can get in there and change things around.

Speaking of Pastor Troy...he is back in the saddle this weekend. Matt and Hal did a great job with their topics. I hope that you came away with some great stuff from this weekend about parenting. Hal is one of those guys that I look up to with his ability to parent. If you missed it grab the podcast or watch the stream when it posts.

As for me...somebody mentioned yesterday "That I looked serious..." and wondered if everything is OK. Well, to be honest, everything is getting OK again. I have been going through a period of self-inventory and have found a couple of things that I want to change. I find myself 35 (nearly 36 on July 16th)....and am not as structured as I'd like to be. I have let things get out of whack in my nutrition, my sleep, my family time, and my exercise. I am going to change all of that. I have already begun. So if you see me and I look "serious" just know that I am OK and maybe just sore from an exercise session or hungry from lack of junk food.

I got the chance last week to train 2 new volunteers on the media team. We all went out on a shoot together Thursday. I looked at Mauricio and told him that I haven't had this much fun on a shoot in awhile. I had forgotten the joy that comes with doing a task together. I have been an island too long. The office was literally full of volunteers this week and it was great. I don't want to ever do ministry alone again. Now a few things have gone wrong this week as a result of counting on others...but I can't let the enemy dissuade me so quickly. The first thing the devil wants to convince me of is that I have to do it if it is going to be done right. I now know that that is a lie. Thanks to all that have tried to bash that into my oversized head for the last 10 years or so.

That's about all I can bang out this morning...back to work on the show...have a GREAT Memorial Day and I'll talk to you all again this week (promise...).



Anonymous said...

Glad your back !!! Your randomness was missed but we also realize that everyone needs a break yep even the Vasilator. As your brother/sisters in Christ it's our job to encourage and have your back. So next time you look so serious we'll ask can we help you with anything instead :) The best relationships I've developed since becoming a Christian have been in ministry and PERU :)Pastor Troy is right about not doing life alone it's just not the way God intended. But life has a way of making you busy busy busy and next thing you know you're doing things "your" way alone, Discipline is definitely necessary to remain on the right path. Hang in there, you rock brother !!

Mrs. Tello said...

Welcome Back! As much as we all miss your randomness we all need downtime... sometimes on everything! Both Oscar & I are feeling the "not being structured"... we are 32 & 33 and feel the kick in the butt regarding eating well and excercising! Good Luck & remember we are grumpy & sore right along with you!

Stacie said...

Hey Brian! Stumbled upon your blog. . . Cool stuff man. I had a lot of fun last week as well. I'm really excited about being apart of the Media Team. You and Mauricio have been awesome! Can't wait to see where God is going to take this ministry.