Saturday, May 12, 2007

We're Back!

Good late evening, faithful reader...

A thousand pardons for leaving you all like that. As they said in the movie "Summer School"...

"The human mind needs rest!"

Indeed it does. A great trip to Disney usually does the trick for us... The photo you see here was taken by me on our 2 seater surrey bike that we rode around the lake at Port Orleans Riverside.

Speaking of Disney...I have exciting Blog news! I am starting a DISNEY ONLY blog very soon! It will have trip reports, my reviews of rides, favorite places to eat, secrets that we have found over the years, and much more! I won't clutter up Vasilating with any more Disney blogs...but if you are interested in everything will have a new place to read...I hope to get it together in the next week or so....

Anyway, the trip was fantastic. The weather was good (a little hazy...but we're used to it) and the crowds were light for the first couple of days. The last day that we were there (yesterday)...every school in the country was sending their children to Epcot. I've just got to share one quick story.

We are standing in line waiting to get into Epcot and a couple of kids from a certain school (I won't reveal which one...but it was a school down here in S. Fla) cut into the entry line and walked all the way to the front. I didn't think much of it. I mean, after all, their friends were already inside and they were excited. What happened next was classic. One of their chaperones ran over and yelled "You guys can't cut this whole line! You should be ashamed of yourselves!" It was then that it all broke down. The chaperone looked ahead in the line like she was looking for somebody...and then SHE walked to the front of the line and cut all of us. I jumped out of line and waved my ticket wildly above my head. "Who do you think you are?" I stammered as cast members ran from their positions to restrain me..."I paid to get in here too!" I was furious. I kicked over a stack of brochures on my way to the holding cell. I wondered if Mickey jail was as clean as everything else. They'd probably make me watch "That's So Raven" until I confessed to the crime...

As you might have guessed...the part after "SHE walked to the front of the line..." was a total fabrication. It's what I FELT like doing. What did I do instead? Like the spineless jellyfish that I can be... I calmly let her go ahead of me. I mean, after all, this is the happiest place on earth, isn't it?

I will hold the story about nearly slapping a man, the cherry bath bomb, and my trip down the water chute for the new blog. Please join me at the happiest blog on earth....

And don't you worry - Non Disney People - I will still feed you here on this random feed. It's kinda like reminiscing with somebody you don't even know.

Nemo for President,