Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Good afternoon, faithful reader...

Thanks for joining me this afternoon for a jog through my cerebral cortex. Careful to stay on the path though...gets a little messy if you leave the pavement.

I just wanted to take a second and brag on the Children's ministry here at Flamingo. I have had the privilege of being here for Extreme Week this week and have been blown away. I think I heard that there is 1 volunteer for every 2 kids. Amazing!

Charlotte, Jackie, and the team deserve your kudos...and support! I have watched them handle crisis with grace and a strong dedication to providing the best time for these kids.

My daughter has come home every night with a huge smile on her face. All she wants to know is "what are we doing tomorrow night?" Any group that makes her happy makes me happy.

You are all unbelievably gifted and appreciated. I may be just one voice in the cheering section, but I know that you have a fan club. Children's ministry team...thank you from the bottom of my heart.