Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Wal-Mart in the AM

Good late evening, faithful readers...

Tis I...your midnight DJ... spinning the hits that make you want to do the Boogaloo...

Thanks to all who sent prayers out on my behalf. The headaches have subsided and I seem to be alright. I actually got up this morning and went to the gym! I ran about a mile or so, worked on my abs (Honestly, though...how do you tone tone?) and did some bicep curls. I almost had to stop by the pet store for a reptile bag and a handlers staff...I mean how else was I supposed to get these pythons home?

The only problem with me going to the gym was that I hadn't been there since the Nixon administration. I didn't have the proper attire that I needed. I had to make a quick pitstop before the gym...Wal-Mart.

Have you ever been to a 24 hour Wal-Mart at 5:15AM? If not, I highly encourage you to try it. Here's what I noticed. There are pallets everywhere! Product in the aisles, people that are obviously nocturnal giving you the "what are you here so early for" face. In fact, when I checked out, the two cashiers were having a competition to see who could ring up more overnight merchandise before their shift was over. There were pallet jacks racing down the main aisles, lights were off, the Coke guy who fills the aisle was moving a huge display (and coming right at me, I might add)... mass hysteria....dogs and cats living together...Rosie and Trump hugging...type stuff. You know the look you have on your face when you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you flick the light on and look at yourself in the mirror? You know that face? That's what a couple of the fine Wal-Mart staff looked like... disoriented and not used to the bright fluorescent lights.

After finishing my workout...I downed about 75 ounces of water and OJ from Jamba Juice. I was sweating like an out-of-shape video editor in a leather jogging suit in a sauna and I needed some blessed hydration.

Should have bought a bottle of water from Wal-Mart. If only I didn't have to climb over three blue-vested associates and a stack of twizzlers to get to it...

Here's to another workout...