Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday Finds!

Greetings faithful reader...

Well...Friday Finds has returned! For those of you who are new to this cavalcade of randomness...I spend my day off looking for something that garners attention and admiration from the readers of this blog. It is a pathetic display of codependency, self-disdain, and insecurity. I hope you enjoy it.

This Friday's find we found at Home Depot. This door is actually for sale. Truly. It looks like you would find it at Medieval Times in Orlando...but can put it on your very own house. If you attend Renaissance festivals more than twice a year (in costume)...own a dragon...or can juggle more than 3 balls at a need to unhinge your pathetic metal home portal and attach this bad boy. Sayeth me...

I don't know how much this door was. I think they probably had to special order it from Spain or something. Hand crafted by some guild somewhere. I think that guild also make those knives that you get at the Outback Steakhouse. Gigantic wooden handled silverware. What are we supposed to cut with those things anyway?

If you do order this door...just know that it requires the elimination of an entire forest of baby trees...these trees can no longer produce oxygen...which will probably cause the polar ice cap to melt by .001 inch. Thus causing an evacuation of the Florida Keys due to the rising oceans. Those people will have to evacuate via their fuel inefficient SUVs...releasing harmful chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere...expanding the gaping hole in our planet's ozone layer. But at least while the earth is disintegrating from it's ecological will be able to answer this handsome door and allow your friends in for a Harry Potter marathon or a rousing game of Dungeons and Dragons. Forsooth!



revolution said...

I am dead serious when I say that we have been coveting this door for more than a year now.

The price on the floor model at Home Depot is over $1000.00, but we have a double front door, putting it out of our price range. Instead, we've stripped our doors, stained them dark, installed the "speak easy", and i'm trying to find a reasonably priced iron grate for the speak easy.

Brian Vasil said...

Cool! Does it have to be special ordered? We asked the guy at Home Depot and he had no clue where it comes from or how much it was...

Rock on! I visited your blog. Enjoy the Potter book this've waited long enough for it!


Anonymous said...

now, you know that i too would love to have this door. and yes i would be proud to invite my friends over for a Harry Potter triva nite or movie marathon. and don't deny that you would love an inviation to either one of those events!! The other Stacie would be there to great you, maybe in garb too!!!