Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Stairs

Good evening faithful readers...

It hit me tonight that my birthday is in 6 days. I will turn 36. I used to think that was old. Really old. Ancient, even. Maybe to some of you it still is. I had a thought tonight that I just have to share.

It was bedtime and my daughter and I have a "tradition" that I get her a cup of milk and carry her piggyback up the stairs to her bed. Well, tonight, I filled her cup and made my way to the bottom step. She climbed on my back as usual and we began our ascent. I got about halfway up and realized something. These days were numbered. She was so tall that her feet nearly touched the steps as we walked upstairs.

I remember when I carried her home in that tiny blanket. Her small pink face looking at me with such innocence. I had all the time in the world with her. Life was slow. She grew up at just the right speed and I enjoyed every major milestone.

Now things are different. Life has sped up. I find myself nearly 36 years old... a Pastor at Flamingo Road Church for 8 years... a husband of nearly 14 years... a father for over 7...

Life doesn't slow down. I mean, sometimes I want it to..and sometimes I don't. I can't decide if I'd like to be 24 again. Or 34...or 14. I have learned a lot about a lot during my years pacing the planet...but so much left to learn before I leave it.

I've been a leader...a follower...a servant...a liar...a boyfriend...a patient...uneven...a quarterback...a benchwarmer...a genius...an outcast...the life of the party...the wallflower...melancholy....joyful...hurt.

I have never been unloved.

God loves me so much that He gave me a family that loves me unconditionally, a church family and ministry that I am passionate about, and another year to give back to Him.

Time doesn't slow down. It doesn't matter. I've figured out its secret. Treasure where you are now and count on God to carry you into tomorrow. Even if your feet can touch the stairs...hold on tight...and let Him take you all the way up.



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