Friday, August 03, 2007

Videos, Solar Radiation Burns, and a Wax Treat (A Friday Find Story)

Greetings faithful readers....

I spent today down at the Miami Seaquarium shooting some video for our upcoming series (you know...the super secret one...the one that already has a countdown running on our website...the "naked" one)

Anyway, we shot some small group lessons down there that came out great. I got to enjoy the afternoon with some talented teachers, a great volunteer media team, and some fish. was hot. I'm not just talking hot like..."hot enough for ya" kinda hot. I'm talking uber-hot. Satan's underarm level of hot. I think I actually said..."Man! I stepped in some gum!" wasn't gum. It was the bottom of my shoe that had melted to the sidewalk.

Camp kids were spontaneously bursting into flames. Flipper did this trick where he leaped up out of the water.....he was a grilled Mahi Mahi sandwich before he landed. When I brought my hot dog outside...I suddenly has a mystery meat jerky sandwich. The meat petrified under the intense rays.

Am I making my point?

Guests were leaping the rails and voluntarily swimming with ocean predators. I actually considered offering the frozen lemonade guy a coooool Grant to stick my head in the trash barrel sitting near him after he filled it with cool lemony goodness. Metal workers, roofers, and welders were all passing out on the sidewalk.

Part of the ocean dried up and I saw sunken ships just sitting there....treasure ripe for the picking.... People were cooling off sitting next to underwater volcanoes...

I lost 8 pounds...and that was right after I bought my admission ticket.

Oh.....yeah....and I bought one of those cool wax figurines that you can only get there and at the zoo. You know. A couple of bucks and they pour wax into the form of some animal...then these two metal fork-like prongs push it into the bin. Of course...the figurine is still about 800 degrees from the molten wax...

I just grabbed it. With the heat index today...I didn't even feel it leave a Beluga Whale imprint into my hand.

Got some good video though. Hope you enjoy it.



Melissa in Mel's World said...

Seriously...HOT is an understatement...I thought I was going to have to get you some forehead wipers for the sweat as it came down your face.
Thanks for a great day of shooting!

Heather Palacios said...

I have yet to read a funnier post than this one. Print it, bronze it, and frame it - it was awesomely hilarious!