Monday, September 11, 2006

Howard Stern

I'll never forget September 11, 2001. I was flipping through the channels on my radio and hit the station broadcasting the Howard Stern Show. I could tell something wasn't right because everyone involved with the show was eerily serious and silent. They were in NY broadcasting when the first plane hit the towers. I sat in my car stunned just like the rest of the world. My life would forever change.

I will always remember the images of that day. They say every generation has an event that defines it. This, unfortunately, was mine.

I sometimes hear as a pastor that people are just born mean. That left to their own free will, they will just neglect their fellow man. September 11 disproved that theory overwhelmingly. Before a single finger was pointed for blame...before politics and grandstanding got and women ran into a building on the verge of collapse to save people they didn't even know. In an instant...a horrible instant...the perception of safety was changed forever. I sat and prayed with people that on September 10th denied the very existence of God. Now, He was all that made sense to them.

I really don't know if we are any safer today. I'd like to think so. I'd also like to think that this country will take a second today and think back to that day in September. That they would pray for the families left behind and be thankful for the sacrifice of our modern-day heroes.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC.

We will never forget.