Friday, October 20, 2006

The new guy

It's a little weird. I just got finished practicing for tomorrow. I am playing in the band at FRC Cooper City for the first time in several months. I still really enjoy playing, I just don't usually have the time to prepare ahead of time. This week I felt like I just had to be a part of it.

You know for a guy that has played in this band for nearly 10's good to be a little nervous. So many new faces and new talents. What a blessing this team is.

We have worked very hard this week preparing for the kickoff of Tears. I have prayed often for those names that are in the envelopes sitting on the ottomans and I am counting on many of those listed to be there this weekend. God is good.

Troy is really going to bring it this weekend. I have seen a drive in him for this weekend that I have never seen before. This is definitely going to be a weekend that will be remembered.

See you in worship! (remember...Saturday night is a great time to come!)