Sunday, October 22, 2006

Preschool Rocks

Something happened yesterday that I just have to let you know about. It really affected me. I was asked to step into a circle of preschool volunteers and lead in prayer. Honestly, I had nothing prepared. I like to gather my thoughts before I pray, but in this situation, I had no time. As I stepped into the circle, my hands were immediately grabbed by two volunteers.

Have you ever had one of those experiences where time kinda slows down a little to let you soak it all in? It seems as though I had one. I got the chance to look into the eyes of these men and women that in just a few moments would head into the preschool rooms to do the challenging yet rewarding ministry that is FRC preschool. The eyes were eager. They were ready. These folks couldn't wait to get in there and minister.

I said the prayer and everyone instantly began patting each other on the back and hugging. A close group, to be sure, but certainly not a clique. I kinda hung around afterward to witness a new volunteer step forward on her first night. You would have thought she was a founding member of the team. The care and consideration that went into making her feel welcome and informed was remarkable.

This weekend was also my wife's first night in the 3 year old room on Sat nights @ 5:15. She had nothing but praise and good news from her experience.

They say that success rises and falls on leadership. Melissa and Janet are incredibly gifted and talented leaders that put everything they have into the children of Flamingo Road. I can only imagine what God is going to do through these two and all of the volunteers that are blessed to be led by them.

Kudos to the Preschool team. You guys truly rock.



Melissa in Mel's World said...

Well Pastor Brian...those words rang through and true all the way to my heart!!! We were so honored to have you step into that circle last night and pray with us. The Preschool Ministry is a special group of people...we really do think of each other as a family and make it a point to really reach the hearts of the Preschoolers at Flamingo Road Church. Thanks for stepping in so graciously and for all your warm and encouraging words...Rock On!!