Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mario and the DeLorean

Hello all...I have been away for a little blogging sabbatical, but I've returned. I needed to live a little away from the computer for a couple of days to clear my head. Sure, I edited (I am right now), but I needed a break from just surfing and posting for a little bit. Please forgive my absence, faithful reader.

Today I attended the Florida SuperCon on Hollywood Beach. This was a comics/anime/toy convention. The first since 1993 down here. I went because my brother-in-law had a table where he displayed his art. He is very talented and I was encouraged to see several people stop and ask him questions. This was his first show but I know he will keep pursuing his passion for art.

I don't know how to describe the convention very well... but I'll give it a shot. We arrived and directly in front of the elevators was a DeLorean car from Back to the Future and the Batmobile. Not 50 yards away was a guy dressed up like Mario from Mario Bros. alongside a guy in fatigues and a plastic machine gun. Inside the convention we encountered lots of folks dressed up as their favorite comic book characters... Wolverine, The Green Lantern, Spider Man... I could go on. On our way out we saw a woman dressed up in a Star Trek uniform posing for a photo with "Superman" and "Spiderman". She was explaining how this was a "combination of universes" in one photo. We saw World Wrestling legend, "The Iron Sheik" and Margot Kidder from the Superman movies...I didn't get their autographs but thought about it.

Well...I know what you might be thinking....nerd fest. Honestly it was refreshing. These were people that were enjoying being different. They weren't hurting anybody...they were just having fun. I expect the king of all nerds to write that, but I mean it. Life is too full of people that can't be themselves without worrying about the opinions of others. Kinda sad. I used to live there. It's too exhausting trying to sell yourself to other people all the time so I've changed a bit. I still don't know if I would dress up as a Stormtrooper at a convention, though.

Anyway, that's it for this late night post. I will try to be more regular in my posting.

I still should have taken my picture with Wolverine...


PS: On second thought...I would wear a Stormtrooper suit. May the Force be With You!