Wednesday, November 29, 2006

My Molt

Good evening all... still feel terrible...still have a couple of videos left for the weekend...just wanted to share a quick thing that happened.

I am an avid aquarist. I really enjoy my aquariums and have recently started a 14 gallon nano reef tank. Living coral, live rock, live sand, and a small blood red cleaner shrimp. Well tonight I peered into the tank and thought I had lost my only inhabitant. I saw a red shrimp shape on its side not moving. My sadness turned to joy when I looked between the rocks and saw a second set of antenna. My shrimp had molted!

I know...butter that bad boy up and serve him with pasta. Nope. Not my shrimp.

He's got a new shell and a fresh outlook on life.

I wish it was that easy for me. I'm still sick.



Anonymous said...

You know the beautiful thing about molting? The new shell isn't pre-formed. The animal is completely vulnerable when it has molted until the new shell hardens around it. They must make themseles completely open and vulnerable in order to grow. Great lesson for us humans. Sorry B, just the marine biologist in me coming out! Blessings - Chris