Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Whole Week

Wow! It's been a whole week since I posted anything... My apologies faithful reader. I haven't been keeping up my end of the bargain. You've been checking this site to find out what exciting things have been going on in my life and I have been letting you down. Sorry 'bout that.

I wanted to sneak in a quick post before heading out to the happiest place on earth. We are Disney bound tomorrow. I kinda feel like I'm coasting into this one on fumes. Christmas is always busy, but here lately it's been crazy. I have slept about 7 hours in 2 days and am looking forward to resting some in Orlando. There's something about just being with my family that rejuvenates me!

Our 100th episode of Influence is quickly approaching. January 21st will be the date. Nothing special or out of the ordinary for that show. I may sneak a little "100" graphic somewhere in the show...if you find it...let me know on the blog! We are only on a 1 week delay between the time Troy teaches and it airs on TV. Hectic for me, but better for you, the audience.

Not much more going on than that. I am feeling much better. This throat congestion has lasted nearly a month, but it is nothing serious. Please pray that my voice recovers in time for me to teach on December 30 @ our Cooper City campus. We will be talking about the window to the future.

That about wraps it up for now. I will try to post again when I return from my trip. Until then, remember, two wrongs don't make a right....but two Wrights made the first airplane.