Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It only hurts a Wii bit

It finally happened. Here I am in my study, working on show #101 (which, by the way, is looking sweet) when I feel a piercing pain shoot into my right arm. You see my daughter was playing Wario Smooth Moves for the Wii right next to me. I turned to ask Mindy a question and she jammed the controller into my forearm. Well, not INTO my forearm but certainly smacked it pretty hard. It was obviously an accident, but she felt terrible. I consoled her and then rubbed it until the pain subsided. Our first Wii-related injury.... Viva El Wii!

Got to spend some quality time with Pastor Troy and the rest of the video team this morning at our new campus in Sawgrass Mills. We shot some video that you will see this weekend. Great stuff!

That's about it for now. My arm is hurting as I type this...the pain...the agony...

Not really. However, if you see a Wii-Remote print on my arm, please don't laugh. I need to learn to keep my arms and legs clear of the video game area at all times.

Until next blog, faithful reader, here's a random thought to keep you going...

Ebay was started so that a man's wife would have a network to trade Pez dispensers...