Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The hidden 100

I forgot to let you in on the location of the hidden "100" graphic from the last show. Scan your tivos forward until about 11 minutes in. In the lower left hand corner, you will see the number 100 behind the "I" logo in the corner. Did you find it? Give yourself a gold star. Or a tootsie roll...or something else that teachers keep in their top desk drawer.

Did I ever tell you the story about the "private house" in 3rd grade? No? Hold on a second...let me see if I can remember it...

Back in 3rd grade, every kid in my class wanted to spend time in the "Private House". It was basically 3 chalkboards that were chained together and laid on their sides to form a 3 sides fort. There was a window cut in the middle so that you could still see the class...but the inside was all chalkboards. You could draw anything that you wanted on the inside...eat lunch in there...invite a friend in there...it was nirvana for the Zoom set. Anyway, one day I actually earned the right to go inside the private house for the whole day. I eagerly chose my friend to join me and in we went. A clubhouse in the classroom...awesome!

About 30 minutes in, my friend and I started wrestling in the house. Soon after I kicked it over into the last row of the classroom. Girls screamed and scrambled from their desks. My teacher, Mrs. Friend (really) was aghast at the sight. She walked over to the private house and I was summarily ejected. To make matters worse, she read what I had written on the inside of the private house. I had drawn buttons on the inside with the word "bomb" and "missile" on them. Under those buttons, I listed a few of my classmates that I wanted to use these chalk weapons on.

I never got the private house again.


PS. I have since graduated high school with a 4.75 GPA. I finished college with a degree in History, and have since gone on to answer a high calling in ministry. I have spoken in front of thousands of people...married my high school sweetheart...am the father of a beautiful little girl, published a book about Venus Fly Traps (really...as a kid), am an Eagle Scout, was the principal of an elementary school, and have spoken on the phone with Huey Lewis.

That private house incident still scars me. I've got issues.