Saturday, January 13, 2007

Kids Doors

Good early morning, faithful reader...

I just finished my message for Sunday and it came together pretty well. I am using Pastor Garlands general outline, but filled it in with my own stuff. Looking forward to sharing it.

Had a great day off today. Brianna had awards chapel this morning (straight A honor roll), lunch, a little shopping, and an evening of studying. The best part of today was that I got to spend an entire day with my wife. She is an incredible woman. Sometimes I look at her and it hits me that we're married. I know that sounds weird after 13 years together...but I don't feel worthy sometimes to be her husband. She is such an amazing blessing to my life and I can't explain to anyone exactly how she makes me feel. I've known her since 1988 and I still get butterflies when I am around her sometimes. There is no one on this planet better suited or more perfect for me. She means the world to me and always will.

Several of you have asked me how my tests came back on my heart. Everything is just fine. The EKG was perfectly normal. My blood work came back and my Triglycerides were a little high (250) but my cholesterol was good (128). Those numbers kinda surprise me. The night before the blood tests I ate Alice Springs chicken from Outback. The cheese on that bad boy alone could drive your cholesterol up 50 points. My grandfather died from congestive heart failure and I have really worked hard to avoid any heart troubles. My tests encouraged me, but I must still stay vigilant.

Thanks to all of you who have sent me such encouraging emails regarding my lesson a couple of weeks ago. I really enjoyed preparing and delivering that message. Didn't Heather do a great job last week? If you missed it, the DVD will be available for purchase in the lobby this weekend. Yep. We're going to start offering a DVD video of the teaching portion of the services (starting with Heather last weekend). Not sure how much they are, but they will be there.

That's about it.

See you in Doral on Sunday!