Monday, January 15, 2007

The Other One

I couldn't resist telling you all this...

I was at Best Buy tonight. I was buying something that they needed to get down from the top shelf in overstock. The guy grabbed it over his head and dropped it very hard to the floor. Customers all around him kinda looked scared. I looked up and there was one more on the top shelf. He actually turned to me, thought for a second, and straight-faced said..."I'll get you the other one."

My sarcasm meter was peaking. I desperately wanted to, that's ok...I'll take the one in a million pieces lying on the floor. You would have been proud of me...I held back. It wasn't easy.

This is one of my defects. If you look closely, there are a few others. I'm working on them.

Sometimes you've just got to laugh. We got out to the car and Mindy asked me what happened...I told her that we were helped by "Captain Obvious". Couldn't help it.