Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chillin' at the House of Mouse

Good late evening readers of randomness...

Today was a great day. The trip up was smooth (except for the rain) and we are settled in at Port Orleans Riverside. I have prayed the whole way up that we would get the chance to just relax for the next few days. This place (Disney) can actually be more stressful than a "normal" vacation if you let it. Mindy and I have been pulling some insane hours doing ministry as of late. She is slowly becoming a night owl with me.... This is not complaining....just a matter of fact. We are both finishers and are driven by the opportunities of reaching S. Fla. for Christ. Sometimes we let the hours get away from us and the family time takes a hit. I know you can't make up for that lost time in one trip...but you have to start somewhere.

The other pastors have just returned back to S. Fla from a retreat. I'm anxious to hear all the great stuff when we return!

This weekend is our marriage/vow renewal at Flamingo Road Church. I know that the team will make it a great experience for all involved! Looking forward to watching the video and seeing the pictures.

While we are up here, we are going to visit a church that is running Fellowship One database software. I don't really understand how it all works, but I know that this church contact will be informational and well worth our time.

That about wraps up day 1 of our trip. Not sure which park we are headed to tomorrow. I do know that Brianna is excited! It is also Valentine's Day....at the risk of sounding sappy (yes, again)...I love my wife more each day and am blessed to be her husband.

Happy Valentines Day to you and those you love,