Monday, February 05, 2007

Everything's Up

Good morning, faithful readers...

Just wanted to let you all know that the podcasts are all up on iTunes for your enjoyment. I have left the sermons up there from as far back as May of last year so that you can catch up. Enjoy!

Congratulations to the Indianapolis Colts on their win last night. Personally, I think the Super Bowl MVP should have been Prince. He was awesome. Call him whatever you want...the guy is talented and has been consistent for a couple of decades now.

I am headed to Disney next week, so my posts may be delayed. I am working on learning how to mobile blog so that I can do it while I am out of town.

I'd like to welcome all of the new regular readers to my blog. I only hope that you find some fun in all of the randomness. I'd like to say that I write this blog so that I can have a deep meaningful dialogue with the world. The truth is...I write it because it's fun. I get to share some weird stuff and you get to read it.

When it gets dull, I'll stop. Probably.

Have a Disney day!