Monday, March 05, 2007

180 Minutes Down Under

G'day faithful reader... I bet you might be wondering about the title to tonight's post. Let's just say when they say "No Rules, Just Right" it might be better stated..."No Food, Just Frustration." Last night I spent 3 hours in an Outback Steakhouse waiting on food. Yep. Tres Horas. I could have watched the entire movie "Titanic" and still been waiting for my Alice Springs Chicken. Now it is important to note that this was 30 minutes of waiting in the lobby (with "phone-ahead" reservations made) and 2 and a half hours of sitting at the table.

Oh, speaking of the table. Once we were finally seated, my in-laws, Mindy, and I were seated at a table that had one bolt holding it to the post. I actually asked everybody at the table not to order anything that had to be cut up. We would have been wearing it. They brought us a new, less-shaky table that we basically settled for...

Now I know that you don't read this blog for restaurant reviews, but I just had to share this with you all. It was a LONG night.

On a non-related issue, the new episode of Heroes airs tonight. Can't wait. Plus, this week brings Motorstorm for the PS3 and Peter Pan on DVD. A good media week.

Pray for me...I stayed home to work on the show today because I had the stomach flu and migraine 1-2 punch. I am feeling a little better. I can see 2 of everything now instead of 3. Until I feel moved to post again, I bid you a fond adieu...