Friday, March 30, 2007

Landing Gear is Down

Good evening faithful reader....

I have begun my final approach to tomorrow night's lesson. I am teaching in Cooper City for this weekend and couldn't be more anxious to share what God has given me this week. I will be speaking about obedience. A tough topic to be sure...but one that is critical in our walk with Christ.

I spent the morning dating my wife. We went shopping a bit...had a nice breakfast together.... it was great. I love her so much. If you have ever met my wife you probably know that she just shines with the love of Christ. Man, I admire her. I can honestly say that if it weren't for her influence in my life...I would not be on the road I am on today. Her obedience to what is right is inspirational.

I spent the afternoon with my wife and daughter at the movies. We saw "Meet the Robinsons". A good movie. It was definitely right up my was designed for attention deficit-type people (of which I am). Kinda felt like you were in a hurricane that spit you out at the end to watch the credits roll. Not the best piece of film to bear the Disney name...but certainly entertaining and fun.

In either was time well spent. Then, this evening, I came home to finish studying for tomorrow night. I hope you're as ready as I am. The Holy Spirit challenged me this week to get my act together in the area of obedience of God. I only hope that maybe He challenges you after attending this weekend as well. It's not an ear-tickler...but I promise it won't leave you discouraged. God is good all the time!

Until the morrow...a pleasant slumber awaits...