Monday, April 02, 2007

Congratulate Me

Greetings faithful reader,

You all need to wish me a hearty congrats! I am the proud papa of 9 feather duster worms that I just discovered on the live rock in my saltwater tank! I couldn't be prouder. I guess all of the plankton and macroscopic foods that I have been pouring in there have drawn them out of the rock... I added a star polyp coral to the tank a few weeks ago and it is thriving as well.

My aquarium is my hobby. I enjoy just shutting all the lights off and listen to the water ripple. It's a stress reliever to be sure.

That's about all I have time for today...working on show 111... It's coming out great! We are looking into a few other opportunities for "Influence" that could broaden our viewing audience and make an even bigger impact for the Kingdom.

If this week doesn't get you fired up to win this community for ain't gonna happen. Beach baptism, 32 services, every Pastor and volunteer fired doesn't get any better than that!

Invite your's gonna be awesome!



Chris said...

Salt water tank? Feather duster worms? Do you miss me? Have an awesome Easter my friend!