Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Just some random thoughts...

Many of you have commented to me that you enjoy this blog because of it's randomness...Let me never be accused of letting you down.... I've been asked many of these questions and the rest are just stuff that I feel like sharing... no real reason....

Favorite things to listen to while I study for a weekend:
My saltwater tank, Enya, Landon Pigg, Rush, Beethoven, total silence, shower running

Guilty Pleasures:
Video games, Listening to music loud in my headphones, listening to Disney related podcasts

Grade Point Average at Graduation from High School:
4.875 (finished 11th in my class)

Favorite Concert that I've Ever Attended:
Stevie Ray Vaughan (twice)

Favorite Weird Al Song:
Slime Creatures From Outer Space

First Job:
Pete's Bookshelf - Clerk

What I Wanted to Be @ Each Stage of My Life:
Elementary - Veterinarian
Middle School - Pro Soccer Player
High School - Funeral Director (really)
College - Computer Programmer / Teacher
Post College - Teacher in a Christian School
Currently - Younger

Nickname in High School:

Favorite Book of the Bible:
TIE - John (Gospel of...), and Romans

Have You Ever Been in a Movie?
Funny you should ask...Yes, I have. I was an extra in "Ace Ventura - Pet Detective"

Favorite Holiday:

Thanksgiving and Christmas (tied)

Famous People that I Have Met:
Billy Joel, Huey Lewis, Christie Brinkley, Skipper Chuck, Toby the Robot, Jack Nicklaus, Lee Trevino, Sgt. Slaughter (he actually came to Easter services several years ago), Troy Gramling, William Shatner, George Takei, Victoria Jackson, William Lehman Sr., Spiderman (he stole my pen to sign other autographs), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Kenny Baker (R2D2), Courtney Cox, Tone Loc, Matt "Guitar" Murphy (Blues Brothers), John Romita Jr., and 4Him.

That's about it. This was actually kinda fun so I may add to it in the future. This blog is becoming less structured and more of an open-faced diary that I add to with random sprinklings of synaptic impulses. Many more people have begun to read this blog regularly and I appreciate your interest. Here's to randomness for its own sake!