Wednesday, April 11, 2007

One of the Greatest Days of the Year

Good evening faithful reader,

I was going to go to bed with that last depressing entry, but I decided to clue you all in on what I call "One of the Greatest Days of the Year"

I must confess...I have a sweet tooth. I enjoy sugar. A lot. So much so that I look forward to Easter, Christmas, Valentines Day, and Halloween for reasons other than just enjoying the day. You see, the day after each of these holidays is when they mark down the candy 50%....

I got Peeps for 49 cents. Peeps people. Marshmallow sugary goodness. These things taste like marshmallows soaked in creosote (look it up). Yet I can't stop eating the entire 4 pack when I open them. By the way, if you open up a section of these Easter goodies, you MUST eat all of them. Don't even try to leave the pack open for a couple hours to eat later. You will be greeted with Peeps that feel like Rigor Mortis has set in. Not pretty.

There were jelly beans...chocolate bunnies (broken...but still edible)...cadbury cream eggs....every Easter candy you can imagine. All at slashed prices.

It has been said that simple pleasures are the best...I agree. Simple pleasures that are half off are even better.

Save the red jelly beans for me...