Friday, May 04, 2007

Friday Finds!

Good late evening faithful readers...

I'm just able to squeeze in this Friday Find! I was officiating at a wedding rehearsal this evening and then worked on next week's TV show...I know...not good excuses but I think this might be forgivable.

I found this at Publix last week and had to take a picture of it. Bald Guyz Head Wipes. I'm not sure exactly what it does, but I know there are some guys on staff that might find it useful... I guess it supposed to clean and freshen the scalp....

You know...just when you think you have seen every product...along comes one that just makes you want to whip out the camera phone and snap a pic. The Publix employee that was stocking the shelf next to me just kinda rolled her eyes at me as I snapped this.

I have more hair than any human being should actually possess...but I was still tempted to snag this bad boy. I can only imagine that they are like those wet-naps that you get after you eat bar-b-q. Makes your head smell like a combination of lemon pledge and those blocks you put in the back of your toilet to sterilize the water.

I didn't get the chance to see Spider Man 3 today...but I did manage to put together the first Friday Find. Looking forward to a great weekend!



chad said...

that stuff doesn't really work. baby wipes are cheaper and more invigorating!