Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Good morning, faithful reader...Happy Father's Day if it so applies....

This morning greeted me with a bittersweet feeling.

I woke up to my wife and daughter celebrating me as a great dad and husband. They gave me beautiful cards and wonderful presents that I will treasure. They make me feel special everyday. I can't believe how blessed I am to have the family that I have. There were many years, where I never thought that this level of joy was even possible. God is so good!

On the other hand, I awoke to my 8th Father's Day without my own dad. I wish I could tell you that it gets less painful. For me, it really hasn't. I don't grieve his death like I used's more a grieving for what could have been. I would have loved for my father to meet my daughter...he would have loved her so much. I would have treasured the relationship that he and I would have had as grown adults.

I can't honestly say that we were ever emotionally "close" but it was always comforting to know that he was there when I needed him...and I could be there for him. I don't know if my father is in Heaven. I pray that he made that decision to follow Christ and that I am going to see him again...I just can't be sure. He wouldn't talk about it.

Father's Day is hard for me...but I know that it is my responsibility to be the best dad I can be for my little girl. I want her to know that she is my greatest treasure and most significant accomplishment on this planet. I love my family so much. I only hope that if my father is in Heaven...he is proud of me.



Expresso Mind said...

Just sitting here - I'm off this week to a memorial service I'll be leading for my father who passed away Sept. 28th of last year - This was my first Fathers day without him. As I was preparing to lead the service I thought about the little dash between the dates on his grave marker, 1942 - 2006, and was relating that dash to my life. I pray that my dash has significance in God's eyes. That my kids look back on that dash and say he was fun, a teacher, a loving dad and husband to our mom. This time has shown me that I need to do a better job with the dash God's given me. Brian, you’re a great father, someone I look up to in how you lead your family. God speed my friend.