Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Have You Seen AB?

Greetings faithful readers...welcome to a quick jog into my brain....

Just wanted to put out an APB for something that I have been missing for a long time. I've looked in every place that I can think of and still this item avoids and taunts me like girls at recess.

Just as an aside...why do girls have to be so cruel. All I wanted to do was talk to them...instead they mocked me, pulled my hair, and shoved me into the monkey bars. I'll never forget college...

Anyway...what I am missing. Have you ever been hungry for something and wish you had it in your house? You just have to have that texture...or smell...or taste.... your memories toying with your taste buds. You go from wanting...to being possessed by the thought of obtaining this elusive placebo.

That has happened in my life...and I can't do anything about it. My craving...Alpha Bits cereal. Can't find 'em. Didn't even like them when I could have eaten my weight in them. Now I must have them.

Where do I turn? Ebay? Who sells cereal on eBay? Especially little nuggets of heaven like Alpha Bits...Nobody parts with manna like that...

I don't know if I'll ever be able to fish my name out of a bowl of milky oat-like goodness and spell it out on my kitchen table again. Alpha Bits where art thou? I cravest thee so...

With so many serious things going on in my life it's nice to share with you some of the more pressing matters...

Until next time...


(I remember when I could spell out those two letters with a certain cereal product....my heart yearns for ye Alpha Bits.)


Mr. Ed said...

They haven't gone out of production, bro. You just need to look in different stores, I guess.
