Sunday, June 03, 2007

Good late evening/early morning faithful readers...

Forgive me everyone for the lack of posts. I have started a few but have abandoned them due to a lack of ooomph. I don't exactly know what that is...but I haven't had it lately. I have been pouring every waking moment into my ministry. The video team is growing and I couldn't be happier about it.

Here's the brilliance that you've missed from my life the last few days:

1) I am reading "The Dip" Has anybody else read this yet? It talks about when it is right to stick it out and when it is time to quit and move on. It's most profound point is when it talks about "The Dip". You know when you take up a hobby, let's say golf... You get really into it and play a lot for the first few weeks. You know what separates you from becoming great? The Dip. The time that requires all of the hard work, the overcoming of obstacles, and the practice. Most people don't want to pay that price. This book has helped me in my self-inventory. I want to persevere and go for greatness...even through the dip that I am experiencing in many areas of my life. I want to be a better media producer, leader, father, husband, and pastor. I am in "the dip" in all of those areas. If I want to get to be the best...I've got to push harder through the struggles.

2) I am really into this show called "Cities of the Underworld". It is a show about what is underground in many cities in Europe (catacombs under Paris...Hitler's bunker in Berlin...etc) The guy calls himself a sub-terranean explorer. I discovered it on iTunes. Great stuff!

3) I am the world's biggest geek. I spent good quality time tonight watching a show on the History channel called "Star Wars Tech". It talked about the gravitational pull of the Death Star, the science of the light saber, and the tech of Luke's robotic hand. Mindy just kinda sat there and marveled at my ability to withdraw into my pocket protector.

4) I gave away (to my father-in-law) my biggest freshwater 75 gallon tank. Just didn't have time to care for it properly... I do still have my 29 gallon reef tank and my new 14 gallon salt tank that will become a reef tank.

5) I watched the video of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates together on stage at the D5 conference. Here's my take: Steve's a brilliant marketer...Bill's a brilliant computer guy. Both have gobs of money. Some of it is from me.

7) Lately, I have had a hard time counting things...

8) Somebody put a bath bomb in my mailbox at work. At first I thought...ha ha very funny... you read my other blog ( and were playing a joke. Then I, free bath bomb.

That's about it for tonight. Tomorrow is another busy day. Until the blogging muse shakes me awake good to each other.



Anonymous said...

You're not alone...I TiVO'd the Star Wars Tech and the History Behind Star Wars for Chris and he has been watching them...truely your Geeky Brother from the North!!!! HaHa!