Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A waste of technology

Good afternoon, faithful reader...

Just wanted to throw my .02 in and tell you about maybe the largest waste of computing power since the TI99-4A (If you know what that is...give yourself 2 points...nerd.). Anyway, I read today that Apple has made it possible to watch YouTube videos natively on your iPhone. A beautiful piece of technology being used to watch user-submitted drivel.

Just can make a phone call, find a great Chinese restaurant that's close, and then watch a video of somebody's Uncle Ernie shut his butt in the car door. Ah, the 21st century...

The Jetsons have nothing on us.


**Bonus Point Opporunity** What celebrity endorsed the TI99-4A on television? (5 points for this one...)


Mr. Ed said...

The Cos, natch

I want my 7 points!

Brian Vasil said...

7 points awarded for your answer...and a step up the ladder as my tech trivia hero.

Anonymous said...

I still have my TI-99 in a box in the attic! I miss those good old days of storing my programs on cassette tape.

Stacie said...

Check this out:
"Web site ALARMD Internet Alarm Clock wakes you up to a YouTube video, radio station, or web-hosted MP3 of your choosing after you set the alarm on its giant display.

What I like about ALARMD:

1. It's huge display. Go into fullscreen mode and it's a pretty cool clock.
2. Using the web and YouTube as its source gives you a lot of alarm options.
3. You can shut off your alarm by clicking a specific part of the web page, or you can just mash your hand down on the keyboard.
4. Since it's a web alarm clock, you've got it with you anywhere you've got a browser.

On the other hand, this probably isn't the alarm clock you want to use full-time. Things could go wrong—for example, your YouTube alarm could no longer be available. Either way, there's surely a time and place where a fun alarm clock like ALARMD could come in handy (post-lunch work nap, perhaps?).
Source: LifeHacker"

I know that's EXACTLY what you want. . . I can't think of a better way to start the day.