Sunday, July 22, 2007


Good evening faithful readers...

Well here I sit pretty much exhausted working on the podcasts and the Peru DVD. I've got to admit today was a lot of fun. I really feel blessed to be able to share from the platform. I only hope that any that heard the message today really heard my heart. I do struggle with patience from time to time...but I think that any of us with flesh on do that.

I appreciate all of you that sent emails and met me in the lobby this weekend with kind words. It is my honor to teach and I really value your encouragement.

The podcast of the message should be up sometime late tonight or tomorrow morning (depending on if I fall asleep on the keyboard).

Looking forward to next weekend with Pastor Matt and the topic of Prayer. He spoke tonight at Fuel and did a great job! Kudos as well to Pastor Sammy who taught in Hallandale Beach this weekend. I have heard only great things.

Heading out bright and early tomorrow morning to shoot a surprise video with Pastor Troy. I can't tell you what it's about or when we are going to use it. I can tell you that it will certainly be unique....

Be Patient this week!



Anonymous said...

My husband and I enjoyed your service so much yesterday. We have applied the lesson in so many areas of our lives. But especially with our kids. We always have this expectation that they should just be quiet and listen to us because, hey, we're mom and dad right? But they are creative little beings who have also earned the right to be heard. They have also been blessed with emotions and should be able to express them. They don't have to like what we say and that's where patience has to come in as a parent. We have to be patient and allow them to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas. We thank you for being so open and honest when it comes to your own feelings. By seeing your honesty about your little bumps in the road, it allows us to be "gut" honest with ourselves and eachother and realize that we don't have to pretend to be perfect. Hey if Pastor Brian makes mistakes and admits them, so can we. Kristin and Tim Deedrick