Friday, August 17, 2007

High School Musical-a-Palooza

Greetings faithful readers..

Well today is an interesting day. I am at home working on videos and cleaning the house for the party tonight. What party? The High School Musical 2 / Brianna's Birthday Party! She is so excited! I get the opportunity to get the house ready while Mindy is out...but where is she?

Today she started her new position as a teaching assistant at Pines Charter School. I haven't blogged about her job change yet...but there it is. She resigned from Flamingo a couple of weeks ago and is very excited about her new opportunity. I've got to tell you...I'm excited for her, too. She is so talented and smart. She can really do anything that she tries to do. I'll keep you all posted on her!

As far as me...I could really use some lifting up. It's been a crazy week as we prepare video for the Naked Pastor series. I am anxious for the series to start...but in the meantime...we are hard at work preparing some great material for the 200 small groups that are going to start.

Here is a glimpse of my prayer concerns right now. Can you join me in these?

1) The people of Peru
2) The people affected by Hurricane Dean
3) Pastor Troy as he speaks in Dallas @ Fellowship (Ed, who?)
4) Mindy as she starts her new opportunity at the school.
5) The Guyon family
6) That I am able to finish all of my projects before they are due.
7) A personal unspoken (unwritten) request

1) Heredes and Marcy's good news (It's so cool to watch God work in your lives)
2) A 3 share (our highest rating yet) for "Influence"
3) Pete Guyon has been healed
4) My daughter is 8 years old and healthy

That's about it. Honestly, I just haven't felt inspired to write a whole lot on this blog lately. I appreciate your emails and questions like "when are you going to update your blog?". It is flattering that you read this and check it as much as you do. I am trying to dig out from some stuff right now...but I'll be back... prepare yourself for future randomness!



Mrs. Tello said...

is it bad that as a 34 year old I am excited about High School Musical 2? I looooove all Disney Stuff! Tell Mindy congratulations from the Tello Family!!