Monday, January 26, 2009

A Public Prayer Request

Greetings Faithful Readers,

I come from a very small family. How small? Basically, all that is left is me, my brother, my mom, and my grandmother. I have a few uncles from my dad's side around, but we have lost touch over the years and I very rarely ever hear from them. I would say that the entire remaining Vasil family could fit comfortably in a hospital elevator.

Time has not been kind to my family. Many of them have lived self-destructive lives....ending way too quickly. I've done several funerals for my own family members and said goodbye to people I've loved long before I expected to. They made poor short-sighted choices that I wish I could go back in time and change or influence so that I could benefit from their wisdom today.

Then there are those in my family who have just battled illness. Which brings me to the reason for this Grandmother seems to be dying. She is 80 years old and is currently battling dementia, Parkinson's disease, and epilepsy. I visited with her last week at her assisted living facility and it absolutely broke my heart. She isn't talking...barely eating...and battling near-pneumonia (on top of everything else).

Last week, I sat with her as we watched President Obama's inauguration. I held her hand and fed her some soup broth (or as much as she would tolerate). I'm not sure she even knew I was there. She hasn't recognized me for awhile now...but that is to be expected. She is under hospice care. The hospice nurse told my mom that there is a slight possibility for her to recover but to begin preparing things for her death.

I know God can do miracles. I know my Grandmother can recover. But something inside me knows what is about to happen. My small family is about to get smaller. My last living grandparent is about to go home. It might be 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 months..but Grandma isn't going to beat these three huge illnesses. I would ask you to please pray for my little family. Pray for healing, wisdom, strength, and peace for all involved.

Sincerely...thank you for your prayers and support.


Anonymous said...


You and your family are in my prayers today.

Jeff M

Anonymous said...

Your family is in my prayers.

Matthew 5:4
Psalm 23:4
Matthew 28:20
Psalm 46:1

I hope you find these encouraging.

Stacie said...

Just prayed for you and your family and I will continue to do so.

April said...

Pastor B, That you can be so open about something so obviously painful is amazing. Praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Pastor B.. in the midlle of lines I can feel your pain,and as in the bible said when a brother or sister has pain we grief with them.. Pastor b, I will continually pray for you little family, that is only little in number, but big in love; your extended familly is not that little,we may not have the same last name, but poky and I belong to your family in our hearts,and many others I'm sure belongs too..thank you for sharing with us and count with our support and prayers.


Art Good said...

Prayed just now, and will continue to pray.

Heather Palacios said...

I'm sorry and I am praying. Thanks for letting us step into your life and do this for you and with you.

Anonymous said...

Keeping you and your grandmother in our prayers...thanks for being so authentic with us, "your bloggy friends".
Erin & Charlie

SmilingSally said...

Praise God that your grandmother has a HOME to go to! This body that she's trapped in ain't no longer fun.

Ivette said...

Praying for you and your family Pastor Brian. Don't forget that you always have your FRC Family. We love you.