Monday, January 12, 2009

What I'm Reading

Greetings Faithful Readers...

It's been a while since we've taken a stroll over to Brian's's what is currently stimulating my brain:

Outliers (Malcolm Gladwell) - An interesting book about the reasons for success. I enjoyed blink...but I think Outliers is better...a very interesting read

33 Million People in the Room (Juliette Powell) - A great study of Social Networking and it's effects on connectivity and growth for business. Many of the principles apply to ministry as well!

Don't Make Me Think (Steve Krug) - What do people feel like when they visit our Internet Campus website? Where do their eyes go? What are they thinking when they click a button or fill in a form... this book lets me know...

iPhone Fully Loaded (Andy Ihnatko) - A hilarious look at the iPhone and what you can do with it. It isn't an average "how do I set up push email" type of maximizes the iPhones potential...a cool read!


Enough - John C. Bogle

Facebook Marketing: Leveraging Social Media to Grow Your Business - Steve Holzner

SimChurch: Being the Church in the Virtual World - Douglas Estes

That should keep me busy for a little bit...what are YOU reading in January?



Anonymous said...

brian, thanks so much for including my first book '33 Million People in the Room', alongside Malcolm Gladwell's new offering. Now that's quite a compliment! My new site just went up so if you want to hear free audio excerpts, check out
I'll be the one whispering in your ear.
~> j*

Lily said...

I am reading a young adult fantasy book that I gave my nephew Alec as a gift and now that he is finished reading it, he let me borrow it. It's called: "The Alchemist: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel."

After I finish The Alchemist, I am going to read one my mom got me for Christmas: "Facing Your Giants by Max Lucado." :-)

BZ Ward said...

I'm re-reading Practicing the Presence of God... and there are a stack of other books in line...