Thursday, February 05, 2009

Darth Daddy

Greetings Faithful Readers...

I present to you for the first time... Princess Leia's birthday cake.

If you get the reference, you earn +2 geek points.

Is it just me, or is the image of the dark lord of the sith holding an innocent child made of frosting a bit disconcerting? Just me? Alright.



Anonymous said...

that is sooo.... i dont know the right expression. Unique? I guess. are the parents a big fans of Star Wars?.. never, never in million years I could possibly choose cake like this for my baby daughter.

BTW. I'm super hungry, I will eat it, though.


Anonymous said...

I came back just because wile I'm working, still thinking of that cake.scary...that's reality u know? represents really good the evil forces behind us even since we born!1.. we all born siners!..we all have the dark force lord trying to carry us!.. awefull!.. man, seriouslly ..Talking about inocent shocking experience!..will be better if they choose to have a image of Jesus carrying the baby!.
back to work...I will try to forget this shocking realism.


Stacie said...

Maybe they think their baby is out of this world! HaHa!

Andreina said...

The more I see it the more I'm trying to figure out what kind of woman the mother of this child is... some options are:
- One that just doesn't know who the father of her baby is.
- One that hates the father of her baby.
- One that is not married to the father of her baby...and hates him.
- One that cannot be called a woman but a vary inmature pregnat teenager who doesn't know who the father of her baby is and hates him!
!!!!!! appalling indeed! :{
kind of ludricous though...
