Thursday, December 28, 2006

Video Game Geek

Two posts in the same day...snow tomorrow...

I just wanted to give you my .02 on the question that many of you have asked me over the past couple of weeks.... "what do I think of each of the new video game consoles?" I cannot tell you how many people approached me during the Christmas services to ask me that question. Well, here is my wrap-up of each of the "next-gen" machines:

1) XBOX 360 - PROS - Great machine. Just now graphically hitting its stride. Programmers are beginning to design games that take advantage of the processors and graphic capabilities. It has a large library of games and peripherals. The wireless racing wheel ($149), although pricey, is an unbelievable experience for driving enthusiasts. The camera is also a nice add-on and allows the user to place his/her face on a character in the game. XBOX live is the best online experience anywhere. Cool factor +10. Some great games so far: Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Burnout, Need for Speed, Viva Pinata

CONS - Not many games for the younger set. Not all XBOX games compatible with the new system. No HDMI output. May have hit the "graphical ceiling".

MY TAKE - If you want a solid next-gen console...this is the one to get for immediate gratification. That being said...I only recommend this machine for older kids and adults. You just can't find any quality software for younger folk. It is actually my favorite console of the 3.

2) NINTENDO Wii - PROS - Fun interface. You just can't take it away from the Wii. It delivers on all fun fronts. The Wii-mote lets you interface with the characters in a whole new way. Want to bowl? Pull back the Wiimote and move your hand in a rolling motion. Shoot an arrow in Zelda? Pull the Wiimote back and release the button (just like a bow). Nintendo has really outdone themselves on the experience rather than the graphics. If you want a machine that delivers on just having fun...this is the one. Fantastic machine for younger kids. They will have fun with this machine right out of the box. The Wii channels are great and you can even download old-school games from Nintendo consoles past for a few bucks each. Extra controllers are just now getting easier to find in stores. Very small footprint in your entertainment center. Great Games so Far: Zelda-Twilight Princess, Wii Sports, Rayman Raving Rabbids...

CONS - This isn't a graphical dream machine. It is like a gamecube+ . I would equate the graphics to the original XBOX. Good thing most of the time, the graphics are outdone by the fun playability of the machine. Sure hope this machine can compete 3 years from now graphically. Nintendo must continue to publish major titles (Metroid, Mario, Smash Bros.) on a regular non-delayed basis to keep fans happy into the future. Also it doesn't allow you to play DVDs from it.

MY TAKE - The Wii is just plain fun. My daughter loves it and is actually quite good at Wii sports. If Nintendo is going to have any chance long term, they have to quit delaying major titles and release some quality 3rd party games. Any machine that lets me create a cartoon version of myself and my daughter and then lets us bowl against each other CAN'T be bad.

3) PLAYSTATION 3 - PROS - A graphical monster. The cell chip inside this baby screams. However, the current listing of games barely lets those Ferraris out of the garage. It comes with a Blu-Ray High Definition DVD player built in. It has HDMI output...optical audio output for full 7.1 surround. Great touch controls on the front. Long term, this console is going to graphically surpass anything out there. Right now, you are buying potential. When programmers unleash the full power of this thing, you are going to see amazing games. For now...the better games are: Resistance Fall of Man (M rated), Fight Night Round 3 (WOW...those graphics are great), and my favorite, Ridge Racer 7.

CONS - Obviously it's expensive and hard to find. One of these will change and it's not the price. The controller doesn't support rumble and I miss it. It does have a motion sensor built in that gives it a little something, but I like to feel the hits not just hear them. So far, the games for this system are underwhelming. They are mainly just ports from other systems. I look forward to the next wave of games.

MY TAKE - Sony has always been my least favorite console. However, I foresee PS3 perhaps taking over that top slot when I can finally play the games that showcase the power that lurks underneath the dark black casing. I don't regret buying it. I just wish I wanted to play it more now. I just don't. I always fire up the other two first. C'mon Sony.. show us what you've got.

Well, that's my .02 on this stuff. I know that everyone out there isn't a gamer. I just wanted to put up a post that I could send people to when they ask me the question about which machine to get. Thanks for reading this and I hope it helped.