Monday, January 01, 2007


Just wanted to drop a quick post and tell everyone...thanks. Last week, while hectic, was great. I got the chance to finish show #97 and write the message that many of you heard last weekend on the "Clearance Sale". I've got to be honest, I was blown away by the reaction to that message. Many of you have sent very flattering messages to me over the past day or so and I appreciate them. I know it sounds trite for a pastor to say that all the glory belongs to God. It truly does.

I was raised in a non-Christian home and have lived a life with mistakes and frustrations. It is an act of God's grace that I am on stage in this great church sharing what God has told me to say. Truly. Thanks to the great weekend worship team that was assembled for last weekend. God bless each of you for your dedication and professionalism.

Just know that I learn as much in the preparation of these messages as you might listening to them. I am really going to try to be less selfish and worry-filled this coming year. It's not going to be easy, but I know God wants me to get rid of that stuff.

Well, that's it for now. faithful reader. I am tired from the weekend and have already started working on this week's show (#98). I am praying that God's peace will be with you in 2007.