Saturday, January 27, 2007


Hello faithful reader...

1) I fell off a stepladder this evening and landed on a pile of stuff on the floor. All is OK. I wrenched my back pretty well and have some abrasions on my back. But on the plus side, my daughter's room is a lovely shade of pink.

2) This weekend I am releasing perhaps the oddest video I have ever put together. It is a combination of Mr. Rogers neighborhood and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. A virtual bouillabaisse of ideas and creativity. Now let's hope everybody gets it.

3) I actually was in a store (Gamestop) that had the Nintendo Wii in stock. I guess Nintendo is catching up with demand...

4) Another Disney trip coming up in February. This time we are staying at Port Orleans French Quarter. If you ever get the chance to stay at either of the Port Orleans resorts...go for it. They are quiet, beautiful, and you can take the boat ride into Downtown Disney.

Well, that's my life for now. I've got to put some hot on my back and get some sleep.

Enjoy random thoughts...



Mauricio said...

bouillabaisse...good word choice. Of all the ministries at FRC, surely the Video Team has the best vocabulary.

*~*STePH*~* said...

Mindy and I (the queens) are blessed with men in our lives that have the "best vocabulary"...ha ha...Hope your back feels better