Thursday, January 11, 2007


Good evening faithful reader....Just wanted to clear out a space tonight and vent a little. I bought my cellphone (Cingular Blackjack) 35 days ago and today it decided to fail me. I don't just mean not get good receptions. I mean not turn on. Dead. Kaput. Gone. I called my friends at Cingular and they told me that I could mail the phone to them and they would decide if they would replace it. Of course, I didn't buy the insurance on it so they didn't really make much effort to help me. Then, if I mail it to them, they can decide that I have somehow broken the phone through (as she put it) unnatural causes and charge me for repair. The repair cost would just be put on my bill. I didn't pay a ton for the phone it's just the principal of the thing.
I think I might just replace it. I know that's what they want me to do, but I can't take the chance of really needing this thing and having another one shut down. I'm probably getting the Treo 680. I like the smartphone and prefer the Palm platform so it seems to be a good fit. It is just frustrating. iPhone hurry up and get here...

I am finishing up this weekend's lesson for Doral. It is going to be good, I think. It is about transferring your faith to your children. Challenging and fun. If you've never been to the Doral campus, why not this weekend?

I am looking forward to next week as well....Troy is back from Peru and we're ready to kick it up a couple of notches in this Doors series. I miss him when he is gone. The offices just aren't the same with him away. God has really done a lot in his life and it's exciting to see him lead and grow.

That about wraps it up. Wish me luck at the Cingular store tomorrow. It's kinda luck of the draw as to your experience in those places. Also, please pray for me as I prepare to teach. I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve in Doral this weekend.



Unknown said...

Never Fear. Hopefully they just want to see the little water sensor in behind the battery door to make sure your phone didn't go for a swim. My wife had the same problem a while back and they took care of her. Of course a lot changes in a year and it all depends on the CSR you get. Good Luck