Sunday, April 15, 2007


Greetings faithful readers...

Just want to thanks so many of you for your prayers tonight. Grandma is not doing well. It is sad when all she could do was hold my hand. She didn't know my name, she didn't say anything to me that made any sense, she didn't even look at me half the time. But she knew I was family and grabbed my hand first thing. If all that I can be is a comfort to her as she slowly fades, that is what I will do.

I will return to my old random self in a little while. I've been collecting some great entries for the page, but just don't feel like posting them in light of what my heart is going through. I am not a sad person. I will be OK. However, I just can't seem to pull up out of this funk I'm in. Thanks to all of my friends who know me, know that I am in a sad season, and are sticking with me. You are the best.

God's blessings to you all.